Thursday, July 9, 2009

Life's Den

Hi friends,
Few weeks back I was hacked up by so many problems everywhere. Was not able to get out of it easily because it was all mental tortures and suddenly one fine day God reminded me something from the Bible which I already knew. I just wanted to share it with you so that it may be useful for you. There was a young man in the bible who went through the same situation. He is named Daniel…you will understand the story when you look into the bible Daniel chapter 6 …He was appointed to be an administrator of that kingdom. It was such a noble position what anyone could dream about…Daniel was doing excellent in his job. By identifying his exceptional qualities, the king planned to set him over the kingdom. But his colleagues were unhappy about it. They tried to defame him by all means. But no one could find fault in him. Finally they complained to king and they forced king to make a rule that no one should worship any other God or man other than king in next thirty days, else shall be thrown into lions’ den.
But Daniel did not stop praying or giving thanks to his Living God and the rulers found it out and they bring this into the king’s notice. Because the king liked Daniel very much, he tried to save him but it was in vain. .Finally the king gave order to throw Daniel into the lions’ den .The very next day the king hurried into the lions’ den and to his surprise he found Daniel with out any wound on him. Daniel said to the king,” MY GOD SENT HIS ANGELS, AND HE SHUT THE MOUTHS OF THE LIONS.THEY HAVE NOT HURT ME BECAUSE I WAS FOUND INNOCENT IN HIS SIGHT. (Daniel 6 : 22)..
Even as you read this, you too may be in a situation where some problems at your home seems to be a den where fierce problems await to swallow you fast or may be emotional problems, mentally affected because of failures. What ever it may be I write to tell you that the God of Daniel is still alive Amen. Daniel was set free and no wound found on him because he had trusted in his God (Daniel 6: 23)...What ever the situation may be you are in keep trusting HIM and HE will lift you up from the situation without a dust on you..
My dear sister, dear brother God is talking to you personally now as you are reading this. He is promising you that HE will guard you by HIS angels. No harm will touch you. You are precious in HIS sight. His words are true. The same God who rescued Daniel from the lion’s den will save you also. Keep trusting in HIM. Do not give up. You are standing with the winner on the battle field that is JESUS…VICTORY BELONGS TO YOU… say a Amen.


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